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Process: Have you asked your Yoni, Vulva, Vagina, Womb how she is lately???


Process: Have you asked your Yoni, Vulva, Vagina, Womb how she is lately???

Is there something she needs and that you might not be giving her? 

I know it might sound like an unusual question but I assure you it’s not, it’s important. 

Before I Bombard you with information and things to consider, here’s a short, sweet and gentle process you can try, 

Visualisation process:

Find somewhere to Sit comfortably, legs crossed, straight back, bringing one hand to rest over your womb space and one over your heart, begin by closing down your eyes, and slowing down your breathing, in and out, again and again, allowing your out breath, your exhale to be longer than your in breath.

Adding some gentle shoulder rolls and head rolls, allowing your jaw and tongue to relax, continuing to breathe slowly and rhythmically, as you feel more relaxed begin to bring your awareness to your heart beat, feeling it gently thudding beneath your hand spending some time simply noticing it, before bringing your awareness to your womb space, As you sit here you may be able to notice the pulse of your womb and how she pulses in the same rhythm as your heart, as you continue to breathe deeply and feel yourself relax more you can bring your awareness deeper into your womb, imagining now that you are making your way into your womb space, you can either do this by going through the layers of skin, of fat, or faces and tissue or by travelling up through your vagina, through your cervix and into your womb Space. 

As you find yourself within your womb space, I invite you to walk around and take note of how things feel here, noticing any energy, the tempreturne, any colours of textures, anything at all, 

I invite you to spend speak out loud to your womb space, asking her how to she is, asking her if she has anything she wishes for you to know, anything she may need your help with, 

I invite you now to spend the next few minutes here connecting, and listening deeply to your womb space. 

Now you've spent some time nestled deep within your womb I invite you to say anything you need to say,

maybe you want to fill your womb with positive words, with pure golden light energy, maybe you want to fill your womb space with nourishing energy from your heart, strengthening the connection from womb to heart, heart to womb,

maybe you wish to gently remove any energy that doesnt feel good, and instead transmute it to beautiful, nourishing, strong, empowered energy, whatever you wish to do, now is your time, over the next few minutes. 

It’s time now to leave your womb, knowing you are always connected, by the pulse of your womb and the beat of your heart as the rhythmically move together, knowing you can come back to this space and check in anytime, especially during your moon time or blood.

Taking one more look around, leaving your mark of love and gently making your way back out through your layers of tissue, fascia, fat and skin, or making your way back through the cervix, Down through the vagina and finding yourself back in the comfortable seated position,

Noticing the room around you by gently opening your eyes, wiggling your fingers and toes, maybe adding some sighs to your exhales, shaking your hands and shifting as feels comfortable, noticing things around you to help you ground back into this physical space.

When you’re ready you may like to write some notes in your journal or your experience. 

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